Monday, March 25, 2013


Man I’m behind on the blogging thing.  I’ve had just a few things going on, but I’m going to try to get better!  Since getting married and trying to learn how to be a mom, the thing that has had to go is the computer.  And I don’t really miss it all that much.  But at the same time, I love so far from so many people that I love and I don’t want to give up the chance to keep in touch as well as I can.

I wanted to take a chance to introduce my new family :)  Maybe I’ll also get around to a wedding post one of these days.  But just know that it was great!


This is a rare moment to catch him smiling in a picture :)  But he smiles a lot in real life.  He has a great sense of humor, keeps me laughing, and pushes me back to Jesus all the time.  He understands trusting the Lord in a way that I have never had to, is always challenging me to love people well, and wants other people to know Jesus.  He has a servant’s heart and goes above and beyond to take care of the people that he loves.  He has been a huge blessing in my life, and the Lord is also using Him in this ministry.  He gets these girls and their lives and culture and problems so much better than I do and loves getting the chance to talk to them and show them Jesus.


I can honestly say that this kid is the funniest 8 year old that I know.  He has a great sense of humor, but doesn’t laugh at himself.  He is patient until someone notices that he is being funny.  He also loves to scare people and will sneak into my room and wait 30 minutes for a chance to scare me.  He loves riding bikes, playing games, swimming and playing soccer.  He has his daddy’s servant heart and will often do little things like get people a chair or get things out of the car without being asked.  He is stubborn when he doesn’t want to do something and we sometimes have a battle of wills.  He knows way more English than he admits to and is memorizing verses and catechisms with Nicolle.  He loves Just Dance on the Wii and doing anything his dad is doing. :)


This look doesn’t quite sum up the mischief that makes up this 5 year old.  She is a fireball.  She loves to help me with anything and everything.  We cook together, clean together, run errands together.  She loves reading books, coloring, playing games, using her new whiteboard from Aunt Bethany, and wearing pretty dresses.  She is super active and this year learned to ride a bike without training  wheels and swim without a floaty.  She is soaking up English like a sponge and started in bilingual school this year.  She is a little flighty and has a mind of her own… we are working on concentrating and obeying.  She was the first one to really claim me as her mom and has been my constant companion ever since.  She thinks that she is already a mom and wants to hold every baby in sight, even if they are as heavy as she is.  She really is helpful, as helpful as a 5 year old can be :)


I can’t even tell you how this little guy warms my heart.  He is slow to get comfortable and accept people and he spends the least time with us.  But last week he started calling me mama and I’ve never been so excited :)  He is obsessed with his brother and sister and spends most of his time just laughing at them.  He loves books and puzzles.  Last week he got a bike and still has no idea how to make it go… but as you can see, he doesn’t care and is just happy to be like his big siblings.  At 2 years old he is learning English and Spanish and will probably end up speaking the best of all of them.  He loves to cuddle and makes me so happy when he falls asleep on my lap.  He is in love with his daddy and just cannot get enough time with him.  He follows Lesther around not wanting to miss a thing.

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