Sunday, August 26, 2012

Take a Deep Breath

Last week was wonderful!  But I was crazy busy doing all the fun goodness that came with having my home church here and having them work in PDE with me.  So this morning I woke up early and just took a deep breath that the summer is over and life is going to get back into a little bit more of a routine for everyone.  My parents are here :)  So I get one more week of hanging out with my them and a little bit of time at the beach, which I’m so looking forward to…

But this morning, I just wanted to take a minute and ask for some prayers.  I’m a little bit on the overwhelmed side because there is SO much going on here right now.  With all of my heart I trust that the Lord is good, His plan and timing are perfect, and that He already has all the details worked out for all the things that are sitting in front of me.  I am so thankful for that!  Now I just want to be prayerful and obedient walking through each day to be wise and faithful through each decision and conversation and act.

What’s going on with us?
1. C starts university tomorrow!
2. This week we move everything into the store, get our final legal permissions, get a sign made, make flyers, hire one more person to help us??, and pick an opening date!
3. I’m taking a sweet 16 year old girl and her 2 month old baby to visit PDE on Tuesday (he has a club foot).  She lives far from family and needs lots of help.  I also met her through Ashley b/c she lives in La Fe, so that’s a fun ministry overlap connection.
4. G comes back from the mental health hospital today and we will be working together to see what it looks like to love and support her even though she can’t live at PDE anymore
5. Our spunky baby E is still with us at PDE, but that’s not a permanent solution, so trying to figure out what to do with him so that he can be well loved and cared for and still have a relationship with his mom
6. This month some things came to light that have to be changed at PDE for us to keep our position with social services, so we will have to be working on those following a house inspection
7. We have to hire a professional psychologist, which also means finding one, which I have no idea how to do that, and having the money to pay one.
8.  Y has an beauty internship possibility that we have to follow up with in the next few weeks
9. Babies need shots
10.  I’m starting personal discipleship with each of the girls in September, so I’m preparing for that right now
11.  I need to be support raising… if you know of anyone who may have a heart to support this ministry monthly or one-time, PLEASE let me know!
12. We all still need to eat and sleep and clean and rest in the midst of it all :)

I did say back to normal, not back to easy, right?!? :)

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