Monday, December 13, 2010


I’m in NC :)  I’ve been planning for about 6 weeks to come home and surprise my friends and family.  I’m so glad it finally got here!  I have some videos that will hopefully work to post to show my family’s reactions.  After surprising about 6 people, I just lost energy.

Its overwhelming to be here.  There is just so much that I’m not used to anymore.  Its strange that it only takes 6 months to discover a new life norm.

So, the best things about being home…
1. Seeing friends and family
2. Chickfila
3. Driving
4. Eating all kinds of familiar foods
5. Playing canasta
6. Giving and receiving so many hugs!
7. Knowing that I am very blessed by the Lord to be so loved

Hardest things…
1. It is so cold :)
2. I have no idea how to spend my time.  I want to sit down one-on-one with every person I have ever been friends with.  I want to know every detail of everyone’s life.  Its not possible and its stressful.  It kind of makes me want to sit on my couch and not leave. (plus then I wouldn’t have to face the cold!)  Just making decisions is hard.

Please pray for the Lord to give me great peace to just enjoy my time here and the people that I do get to see, although it won’t be everyone.  Pray for understanding for the people I don’t get to hang out with, and just great joy and expanded time when I get to sit and talk about life.  I am so very blessed.

Here are some videos of the fun surprise.  Clearly this is not professional videography!


  1. Seriously teared up watching these! What an awesome surprise!

  2. Shannon! Thanks so much for the update and for posting the videos! I LOVED watching them! I teared-up seeing everyone's reactions! You are LOVED!! Wherever you go you are loved! At home, and here in Costa Rica! I hope that your time at home is wonderful, peaceful, and rejuvenating! I love and miss you my dear friend!

  3. Love these videos! It's 6:45 am and my day has just been made!

  4. Sitting here absolutely bawling my friend, so excited for you! What fun!!!!!!!! I am SO glad you video-ed the surprises so we could be there too! Makes me sure miss hugs of the ones we love at home though! Although, you've got lots of warm clothes on! ;)

    Enjoy every minute of your time at home! But hurry back too! We miss and love you!
    xo Kristy and all the Messicks

  5. Oh Shannon! Just as neat as we thought it would be!! I'm so glad to hear that you are soaking it all up! Enjoy, no worries, and let this minute be this minute. It's so quiet here without people and school! We'll be eager to be back with you and routine. :-)
    Un beso y un abrazo para ti,

  6. Wow, I am soooo happy for you!! And for your family & friends! These videos are great and totally made me cry. I'll be praying for your time in NC. Enjoy it!!!

  7. This was so fun to watch, thanks for sharing! Have a great visit, and take some time to relax!! Gros bisous : )
