Friday, December 3, 2010


I’m stealing kid stories from my friends’ kids, but this was too cute not to tell.

One of the cutest 6 year olds that I know lost some teeth this week.  After night one he was beside himself excited that the tooth fairy had left him a personal note and knew HIS name!

So, he decided to write back to her and the finished product was something like this…

Dear Tooth Fairy,
What shape is your body? Is it like a person?
Love, Jonah

I love the way kids think :)

1 comment:

  1. It makes me laugh you got this up before me!!! (our internet was out 18 hours!)...but I'll have the pictures to prove it!!!!! :) So glad you get to be part of the toothy extravaganza with us!
    xoxo kristy
