Monday, October 26, 2009

Belgium Here I Come...

The Lord is AWESOME! November 15th is still 20 days away and I'm at 50% of my monthly support! Honestly 11 days ago I was not thinking I was going to get to Belgium for prefield training in January and now it looks totally doable! I still need for some more one-time support to come in to cover my costs, but I am confident that I will get there. Thank you to everyone who has given so generously!

In other news on the training front, I am currently reading a book called "They Were Single Too" by David Hoffeditz. Contrary to what you might think after my last post, I am put off by anything with the word single in the title. So, to be honest, I have put off reading this book for awhile. I just expect books about singleness to be cheesy and honestly unhelpful. Well, there are a couple reasons I've appreciated this book so far... one... it's written by a man. There isn't much out there written on singleness from men's point of view, so it's been nice to have that insight. Also, he quoted my favorite article (see last post) in the first chapter, so I can't hate it! :) I'm not done yet, but so far I'm enjoying it as the author goes through basically a study of the lives of 8 Bible characters and pulls out applications for me at this time of life.

This week I have three support meetings, so please pray for those times to be encouraging and fruitful.


  1. My compliments for your blog,I encourage you to photoblog,

    Greetings from Italy,


  2. Praise Him, Praise Him!!! He is so faithful and able to provide everything you need! Praying along with you!

  3. Wooohoooooo! Praise God!

    Pray for me to be with you in Belgium-- I'm currently at 57% in monthly and need 65% by this Sunday to register. Pray for my home church making a decision tonight about $300/mo, which would send me to Belgium just in (God's) time! Pray they'll be able to say "for 3 years" since they're working with an annual budget.

    Praying for you, girl.
