Sunday, June 29, 2014

Good Reminders

In the midst of a weekend where everything at PDE is in Limbo... God is reminding me of HIS faithfulness.  This home is HIS.  This ministry is HIS.  He will fill it with the girls that need to be there in HIS time and in HIS way.  HE is building HIS church and changing hearts and drawing people to Himself.  We are instruments in the process just begging every day that He would give us the direction that we need.

Today I got a call from a girl who came to visit PDE over a year ago.  She was newly pregnant at the time and had tried a home abortion that had failed.  In God's grace the baby was fine and we cried together when I took her to the doctor and she heard the heartbeat for the first time.  She was only 14.  She desperately wanted to come and live with us, but her mom said no.  So she stayed where she was, moved in with the baby's father, and life went on.  Every few months she calls just to say hello and let me know how she and the baby are doing.  And today she called again after calling just last week.  Today it was a plea... "Is there space?  Is the any way that I can come and live with you?  Things are hard, I'm not with my boyfriend, I don't know what to do or where to go."  Wow.

She is talking to her mom and they will be getting back with me soon.  Just pray again for us to have wisdom as we listen to God's voice and His direction.

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