Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Update on V

Here's a little picture of why life in La Ceiba in so beautiful :)  

The home where V is currently staying is near the beach outside of town so last time we went to visit we were able to go down and take some of the older girls swimming.  I chilled out on a hammock and just got to watch them run around and play and swim like little kids!  It brought such joy to my heart to see her smiling and laughing and bonding with the other girls.

It has not been the easiest transition.  She misses her mom and sister and has been forced into a major life change.  She has had a hard time adjusting to the home where the other girls are all in school and have more to do than she does.  It is a slow pace of life in a safe place and after living in a dangerous environment, it is a peaceful change, but takes some getting time to adjust.  

I talked to the missionary who is with her last night and he said she seems to be doing much better.  She is making jewelry and swimming and hanging out with the other girls there just resting and growing a baby :)

She had an ultrasound and everything looks great!  The baby is healthy and growing and due on July 8th!  We could not be more excited to have a newborn coming to PDE!

Please continue to pray for her as she is surrounded by people who love Jesus.  Pray for her to understand her need for a Savior and come to know the Lord.  Pray for us as we go often to visit, that our conversations would be Christ-centered and show her more of the Lord every time.  And pray that God would be preparing her heart for yet another transition in July when she will come to live with us!

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