Thursday, June 13, 2013


These are three of the most important people in my life.  Two of them had birthdays last week.  We now have a six year old and a nine year old!  Seeing as how before March I didn't have any children, it is hard to believe that now we have three and they are growing up fast!

There are some things about this time that I just don't want to forget, and since I don't keep a journal at the moment, I'm going to write them on here.  And maybe they will make you smile or laugh as you read them too!  I so wish that my family and friends in the states could know my little munchkins better, but here are some glimpses.

Angel pretends every night that he doesn't want me to love on him before he goes to sleep.  But if I leave the room without saying "I love you" or giving him a kiss he yells after me... "mi kiss, mi kiss" in Spanglish until I come back.  Of course when I come back he hides under his blanket like he never wanted a kiss in the first place.  He pretends like he isn't excited about things we do for him, like his new Messy jersey, but then wears it every time its clean and shows it off to everyone :)  He loves soccer and everything soccer related.  He is a great big brother, to Nicolle and Andres, and any other random youngin that ends up over here, J, Elias, whoever!  He is like is daddy in that he notices needs and tries to meet them, bringing people a chair, washing extra dishes, etc.  And he is 100% encouraging words love language.  He face lights up when I praise him.

Nicolle is the one that keeps us laughing and throwing our hands up in the air at the same time.  She is always active, mostly obedient, and just creative in her craziness.  This week she forgot to put her tooth under the pillow for two nights in a row and was devestated the tooth fairy didn't come.  She watered the inside of the dryer instead of the plants, told her dad she didn't knock the plant over, but that it was just sleeping and would wake up in the morning, tries to tell everyone what to do, and is the biggest snuggle bug.  She has learned the most English but in the process says hilarious things.  She sings "and the home of the grapes" at the end of the Star Spangled Banner and other constantly funny Spanglish things.  She loves to help me do whatever I am doing and is my little shadow.  She is so so loving, has no problem making friends, and is just a bright spot every day.

Andres may be the cutest two year old ever.  He is so shy, but clings to me and calls me mama, which warms my heart.  He is learning SO much, every time he is here I am just blown away by how much he retains.  He says... "monkey, bunny, juice, night, wuv you, tank you, welcome, and whatever else you tell him to repeat."  He has the singsongy little voice that melts my heart.  And he is a HAM!  We have a video of him falling over dead multiple times after getting shot with a nerf gun... so dramatic.  He rolls his eyes back in his head and falls on the bed.  He loves the book about "Leonardo the Terrible Monster" and snorts every time we mention it, because that's Leonardo's noise of course!  He repeats his Bible verse to me every week, but sometimes throws the snort in there at the end just because he knows it makes me laugh.  He also repeats all my little noises and hoorays, even when I don't realize that I'm doing them.  Last week he said "God forgives yay!"  Instead of God forgives sins. :)  I mean He does forgive and hooray for that!

I love these guys and wouldn't trade them for the world :)  So thankful that God choose me to be part of this awesome family.