Friday, October 12, 2012

Stunned by God’s Goodness

I am so proud of G this afternoon.  Its been a long week of waiting and being worried, psych appointments and more waiting.  Wednesday we didn’t get to see the judge because she forgot her ID card and we didn’t have the right shoes on… who would have thought?  So we were back there this morning waiting for another few hours.  But in the end, she did exactly what she needed to do for her son.  She told the judge that although she loves him, she knows that she cannot take care of him right now and she wants him to be with a loving family.  So… little E is going to go live with the Clows!  For those of you who don’t know, this is another family on my missions team who are so excited to have this little guy temporarily join their family.

The next step is for the judge to draw up the paperwork and we are going back Tuesday just for her to sign the papers and from that moment E can move to the Clow’s house.  Please pray for everything to be ready when we get there Tuesday.  We are weary of this being so drawn out.

Although we are weary from all the waiting, the Lord is so sweet to give me a front-row seat this morning to how He is working in G’s life and why I need to trust His timing.  As we were sitting waiting this morning the girl who is the assistant to the judge came walking by and recognized G.  They met awhile back and had been friends that lost touch.  After sitting and talking the girl walked away to find her mom, who also works at the courthouse.  They came back and asked G to move in with them!  They also have another friend at the courthouse who is looking to hire house help, so G went to meet her and that went well.  So the Lord is blessing her with a new start!  They want to help her find a job, make a budget, opening a savings account, etc.  They want to help her get her life together to be able to be E’s mom again in the future.  They know that she has mental health issues and want to help her make her appointments and take her medicine.  Its such a huge blessing! 

G was telling me just this morning how she went to church last night and heard a sermon about the Lord being a rock in the midst of trials.  She was telling me how she felt like the pastor was speaking directly to her.  She was praying to be able to have faith and trust God, but had no idea how the Lord could possible help her out of her situation.  She has been thinking a lot about what she learned during her time at PDE about parenting and how loving her son means a mix of grace and love with discipline.  She is scared that she won’t be able to do that well, but is trusting that the Lord with that as well.  When we left the courthouse she was so encouraged.  Encouraged that the Lord is providing for her, encouraged that He is giving her strength to do what she needs to for her son, just smiling. 

I could not be more proud of her or more astounded with how the Lord is working!  Please keep praying, the Lord is moving in a mighty way!

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