Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Good news, bad news, and pictures!

Good news...
I have my first two supporters! Thank you for supporting me even before I have a fancy presentation ready to give! Honestly, I am blown away by the Lord's provision before I have even asked anyone.
Bad news...
I was supposed to travel to La Ceiba in about 2 1/2 weeks with the youth from church. Due to the instability of the government there, it looks like we won't be able to go. That's not certain yet, but looking that way. Please pray for us to have wisdom and discernment to make this decision.
Thanks Taylor! One of these will end of being my prayer card picture.


  1. I've been thinking about you a lot since all that has been happening in Honduras. David and I will be praying alongside you as you seek His direction for this trip. Felicidades / Congrats on the supporters already!! God is good!

  2. I vote for picture two, although they are both good!

  3. I like the bottom picture, I think it's the same one your mom likes! And you probably have more support than you realize!!! Congratulations, hugs and lots of love!

  4. I hope you picked two. I love it!

  5. They are both awesome...just like you! :)
