Saturday, March 22, 2014

Support Raising

This has been a full week for sure!  Ten days in the US traveling around NC and SC looking for people who want to partner with Puerta de Esperanza in monthly financial support.  I'm meeting with three churches, some small groups, some individuals and families and praying that God will move in hearts to provide monthly supporters for this ministry.

We are currently $3800/month under budget.  That would be terrifying... except that this ministry belongs to the Lord and He has always provided for us.  I am confident that He will continue to do so!  I am just waiting for Him to let me meet the churches and families that He is going to use.

If you are interested in being a monthly supporter, it can be anywhere from $10/month paying for two weeks of diapers for baby O to $350/month paying our house mom's salary.  Or  more or less... shoot me an email and let me know at  I would love to be able to start crossing off these elephants and keep you updated with how the Lord is providing!  If you are a current supporter... we are THANKFUL for you!  You are an instrumental part of what the Lord is doing in La Ceiba.  If you'd like to consider upping your monthly support, I'm happy to be in touch about that as well.

To give online go to
To mail a check... make it out to Mission to the World with #92413 in the memo line
Send it to PO Box 116284 Atlanta, GA 30368

1 comment:

  1. My name is Vicki Trail . I met you at Meadowview Presbyterian Church. I would like to ask you about an idea I had for raising money for you. I sent you an email and it came back. Please contact me
