Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A delight

Tomorrow he turns three!

He is definitely the baby of the family, but he is growing up.  Last night we celebrated his birthday with a new racetrack, typical Honduran food, family and friends.  He loves cars, is kind of obsessed actually.  He could sit and play with the new racetrack for hours.  Or with his train track from Aunt Bethany.  If it has wheels, its a hit.  Or if its a monkey, or a lion, or an airplane.  Truth is, he is pretty easy to please.

I say all the time that I am spoiled by this little guy because most two year olds are much harder.  But he is a delight.  Obedient, sweet, cuddly, hilarious, and an overall joy to be around.

The truth is we treat him differently than the other kids, we shouldn't, but we do.  We take more pictures and video of him, he gets to sleep in our room with us, he gets extra snuggles.  But there is a reason and slowly we are trying to find out exactly what it is.

We've known that he is delayed... he walked late, talked late, looked like a drunk man when running down the road because his motor skills are late in coming.  And so we celebrate.  Every new word gets a video, every new thing he learns how to do deserves a picture.  Because kicked a soccer ball took some work, saying his memory verse was a long-practiced event, being able to put two pieces of track together on his own is a milestone.

We know he can learn... goodness since March he has learned a whole new language and now understands everything I tell him in English.  He loves books and puzzles and coloring... anything that keeps his mind engaged.  But it comes with a lot of repetition and patience and practice to be able to do some of those motor skills that usually come easily by age 3.

He started having seizures, last September.  And we have been trying to figure out the cause.  After seizure number 9 we were finally able to see a pediatric neurologist last week in a town 3 hours away.  We got new medicine and will go back soon for an MRI and another consult.  We don't have any answers yet, but maybe soon.  We have done lots of hoping.  We had his tonsils and adenoids out and were hopeful that if it could cure the sleep apnea, it would cure the seizures.  Well... he sleeps through the night!!!  Praise Jesus!  But he still has seizures.  So we wait and test some more and go back to the doctor.  

The truth is that I'm tired of not knowing.  I'm tired of not knowing what is best for him and how to help him the most.  We are tired of hoping for answers and not getting any.  But at the same time I am thankful.  Thankful the my Jesus holds my little boy in His hands.  He knows him... body, mind, and spirit... and knows what is best for him.  And in time, He will show us.  In the meantime we love him fiercely every day, celebrate every new thing, and trust that God holds him in His hands!

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, I am praying for your little guy. He is near to my heart because my little guy is also behind developmentally and has had some serious health issues. I pray that the MRI will bring answers. God knows his body b/c he made it and I pray he will reveal to the doctors what is going on.
