Well for starters look at these cute faces :)
So I find myself today asking you... why should you be a monthly supporter for PDE? Because Jesus is using this ministry. That's all I can tell you. There are 8 people living in that home who need to know the Lord's grace and mercy as well as a stable family life. And it is changing their life. I promise.
We need $8000/month to support my family and Puerta de Esperanza now that it is full. We have $4340/month that comes in. That means we are at 54.25% of our monthly need. Not enough. In August for the first time we finished the month negative, and if you know anything about numbers, you know that no one is going to let you run a ministry with money you don't have. So please, prayerfully consider supporting us!
Please let me know if you decide to support us monthly by emailing me at ssinnes@gmail.com. We will throw a party and then say a thousand thank yous! :)
Here is how you do it!
To donate, use the project number #92413.
You can give online... https://donations. mtw.org/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=% 2fManageGifts%2fdefault.aspx
Or by check... please note the project number in the memo line and make the check out to MTW
Mission to the World donations
PO Box 116284
Atlanta, GA 30368
Or by printing off the form for Electronic transfer... http://www.mtw. org/SiteCollectionDocuments/E- Giving%20Credit%20Card%20Form. pdf
Every bear in the chart represents $80/month. When 100 bears are sponsored we will be fully sponsored!
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