Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The First of Many

You may wonder, why the title "many the miles"? First, I stole it from a Sara Bareilles song. Secondly, because as I bask in the excitement of the newfound knowledge that I will be heading to the mission field, it also seems like a million miles away. There is so much to do in the way of finding prayer and financial partners, getting through language school, etc. Well all the while being fully invested in my current life and ministry, which I love. So... it's just a little overwhelming. But still makes me absolutely excited to think that the Lord is bringing to fruition His call on my life. He has brought me this far and will continue to lead me.

"Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children-- " Deuteronomy 4:9

This has been a theme verse for me as I have considered my call to overseas missions. One of the many reasons is because God is reminding the Israelites to look back on His faithfulness in their lives up to this point and be reminded that faithfulness is His character. And I hold to that.

Okay... now the details. Today I got accepted by MTW (Mission to the World) to serve overseas in Honduras.

My life as a missionary: Day 1 (that was for Caitlin Keegan)
1. I got an official MTW nametag
2. I'm overwhelmed with too much information intake
3. I love meeting people with a similar vision to mine
4. I reminisced today over emails from Zambia... that was an awesome trip
5. I am looking for good missionary stories... let me know if you have one!
6. I went out to dinner with my fellow new missionaries
7. I ate delicious cold stone
8. I created a blog
9. I got frustrated because I can't get my blog to do what I want
10. I'm tired and going to bed


  1. Congrats on being accepted to go to Honduras! Also, welcome to the blog world. I'm very excited for you!

  2. I'm super excited for you and ready to pray and help in any way you need me...

  3. I love that you have a blog and I love you!

  4. Wow! Just saw your blog on facebook and am excited to hear about your news! Let's catch up soon, so you can tell me all about it! I will definitely follow you through this blog...thanks for setting it up!
