Eliana and Wesley are now 7 1/2 weeks old... hard to believe. Time is flying by with them and there are moments that I wish it would just stand still! They are growing so much and seem huge to me compared to when they were born, although they are still both under 7 pounds :) They are starting to smile more on purpose and have both rolled over one time. For now the rolling is an unintential, I'm mad you need to feed me, kind of statement :) But they roll nonetheless!

Over the last few months I have been on maternity leave and will start back to work soon... but even in that time of not "officially" working, its fun to see how these people are not just ministry, but also friends. They have come to visit and hold babies and encourage us and check in. Those who haven't been able to come have called, and some we didn't get pictures of. C was beside herself the first time she saw the babies... so much cooing and love flowing around here with two such beautiful babies :)
C has also had big life changes while I've been on leave... she started 7th grade and beauty school and is happily busy and learning!
As for us... we got passport pictures taken for our littlest family members and plan to apply soon for their American papers and Honduran passports as well. One of the days we want to bring them to the states to visit :)

Also my dad got here this past week to visit and we are delighted to see him! My kids love their US grandparents and were counting down the days for Papi Bruce to get here. I feel so blessed to have both of my parents here to love on the babies with us and just share in this time of our life. We have other visitors on the way... my aunt and cousin, two siblings, and grandma will all be here before the end of the month!
For now I leave you with these precious pictures of our friends from PDE with our sweet twins!